EDEN stands for: Entrepreneurship and Development in Emerging Nations. It is a microfinance program with related humanitarian projects by Canadian Humanitarian, now established in Ethiopia and Ghana. EDEN offers a bridge out of poverty for individuals who meet program criteria.
Helping someone out of poverty is
But we've found a way.
And it's working!
But the future is bleak for her and her two children.
Someone provides a bridge out of poverty for Bizunesh.
Here's how
We identify the poorest families in targeted high needs communities.
Individual adults are screened and placed in groups of 20.
Professionally qualified instructors teach basic business skills.
Group members create business plans which they and the instructors
present to a partnered Microfinance Institution (bank).
Weekly business training and mentorship continue until loans are repaid in full.
A new life of hope for a better future begins within months after joining our program.
Incomes increase dramatically soon after
new businesses are started, and families
suddenly have hope for a better future.
$6,000 gets 20 families out of extreme
poverty and into a better life.
Think about that...
$300 to help an entire family out of poverty!
$25 a month for 12 months
Our 12-month program is scalable and sustainable.
Overhead and Administrative costs are capped at 10%
All figures are in CAD.
Fluctuations in currency exch ange rates can result in variations in program costs.